
Zero tolerance for corrupt practices in the company

Since its creation in 2023, the Ethics Committee evaluates such practices for both employees and third parties who have a relationship with the company.
Maintain the adhesion of 100% of our employees to our ethics code.
This percentage may not add up to 100% at any given time due to staff rotation.
All complaints received in the Whistleblower Portal will be handled andfollowed up on 100% of them.

Sustainability related training for the members of the Board of Directors.

Have at least one sustainability expert as a member.

+40 training

hours by experts

Align our suppliers according to our Code of Ethics.

Adherence of at least 85% of our suppliers by the year 2024 and reaching 100% by the year 2025.

Evaluate our suppliers regarding ESG matters.

We will request information from our most relevant suppliers, aiming to evaluate 80% by 2025 and reach 100% by 2026.
  • Energy consumption, waste management, good corporate and social practices, among others.