Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
We are determined to enhance our growth based on sustainability and to contribute to the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) by taking into account the needs and expectations of our shareholders.

Dignified labor and economic growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive labor and dignified work for all. We incorporated 323 employees to our workforce and offer them all the legally required benefits, depending on the country in which they operate.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Building resistant infrastructures, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and encouraging innovation. We have a team of engineers who design our towers taking into consideration technological advances and the particularities of the specific locations where they are built. The purpose of the above is to include more sustainable practices in the construction of sites and towers.

Reduction of the inequalities
Decreasing inequality within and between countries. We have proposed the creation of 3 Programs that promote labor welfare.

Climate action
Adoption of urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. We have proposed the elaboration of a Climate Change Strategy that goes with the purpose of measuring all of our Scope 1 and 2 emissions.

Strategic alliances
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development We adhere to the United Nations Global Compact.